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The future is not what it was: 4 trends for the Horeca sector

Hygiene, safety, technology, and change. At HostMilano 2021, we analyzed the dominant trends that will mark the Horeca sector in the coming years.

The future is not what it was: 4 trends for the Horeca sector

Tempo de leitura7 minutes of reading

2021-11-18 16:05:15

Hygiene, safety, technology, and change. At HostMilano 2021, we analyzed the dominant trends that will mark the Horeca sector in the coming years.

The Somengil team was at HostMilano 2021, the world exhibition dedicated to the Horeca sector that brings together professionals from all over the world. We analyzed the latest trends, debated current topics and evaluated international best practices.

After several intensive days of sharing and discussion, we have gathered the 4 key trends for the coming years.

1. Hygiene, safety and technology: the winning combination for the Horeca sector

Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the current health situation, the overall trend in HostMilano 2021 is towards a quantum leap in occupational safety and hygiene. Hygiene is a way to protect everyone’s health and more and more companies are contributing to improve occupational hygiene and safety in their respective areas.

Somengil set an example with Multiwasher Healthtech, the new industrial washing equipment aimed at the hospital sector. This innovative equipment achieves high levels of hygiene using higher temperatures and reducing the consumption of detergents that contaminate the indoor and outdoor environments.

Its closed cabin shape ensures the perfect integration of food carts or laundry carts, to make perfect disinfection a daily routine.

2. The future requires personalized answers

Among the various trends for the Horeca sector discussed at Host2021, one aspect was clear: there was no single answer. Technology is opening the door to innovation in all areas, but in different ways.

Hospitality innovations are increasingly geared towards saving energy and resources, as well as streamline the workforce. In industrial kitchens, the goal is to adjust the energy consumption according to the food quantities that need to be prepared. In production and distribution, the focus is on reducing the total Lead Time from harvest to table and reducing food waste, with changes in the methods of buying, storage, preparation and service of food.

The hospital sector, because of the specificities and particular challenges it presents, requires innovative washing solutions and adapted processes. The growing priority is the reduction of energy consumption, detergent and washing time. In an environment where every minute can cost lives, and poorly washed equipment can help spread diseases, expectations are understandability high.

The impact of washing of dishes and equipment is reflected in the productivity of hospital services, as well as patient recovery. Recent studies point to a relationship between poor diet and a longer hospital stay. In this context, industrial washing machines such as MultiWasher HealthTech are even more important because they allow staff to wash and disinfect kitchen wares at the right temperature and with a certified level of cleaning.

3. An eco-friendlier Horeca sector

At Host2021, there was no shortage of innovations aimed at reducing the use of plastic and other disposable materials. The future of the Horeca sector will continue to be guided by the search for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly operation.

These were some of the top priorities proposed at Host2021 to make the Horeca sector more eco-friendly:

  • Promoting sustainability throughout the entire production chain. Concerns for sustainability is increasingly a shared responsibility with suppliers along the production chain, including in the usage of biodegradable materials and transport optimization to reduce emissions.
  • The return of traditional cooking methods. In kitchens, we will witness the return of artisanal methods, such as smoking or fermentation, that will reduce the dependency on chemicals and processed foods.
  • Strengthening recycling in the Horeca sector. Despite all efforts, only 60% of restaurants in the US have recycling practices, which still leaves a huge margin of progress. In the coming years, we expect most industrial kitchens to strengthen their recycling practices, including with materials that have not been reused so far.
  • Stock and expiration dates management. Labeling, purchasing and stock management systems are constantly evolving, and, as we have seen in Host2021, are increasingly intuitive and robust. This development will allow all players in the sector to reduce food waste in their operations.
  • Saving water and energy. Reducing consumption was one of the recurring themes throughout the exhibition. New systems, technologies and companies are enabling people to get the same amount of work done, with less consumption. This is the case with MultiWasher Healthtech, which provides a 2/3 less reduction in water per wash cycle, as compared to a traditional washing solution.
  • Reduced consumption of chemicals. The writing on the wall is the reduction of chemicals for cleaning, free of contaminating agents for the environment and for human health. Also in this field there was an emphasis on MultiWasher Healthtech, which consumes 70% less detergent during the washing cycle.
  • Training for sustainability. Besides equipment and technology, many participants in HostMilano emphasized the need for continuous training of operational teams on sustainability best practices.

4. Quality of washing, ambition for a post-Covid world

Compared to previous editions of HostMilano, it was surprising to see the increased concern with the quality of washing, as well as disinfection and advanced methodologies such as decarbonization.

In addition, companies present widely discussed technologies used in washing and the versatility of the solutions. These promise to be fertile ground for further innovations in the Horeca sector.

The new Multiwasher Healthtech surprised those who passed through the Somengil stand at Host2021. This equipment is adapted for washing trays, food preparation accessories (e.g. pots and pans, among others), kitchen utensils and food delivery carts.

In parallel, the laundry equipment washing solution ensures the cleaning and disinfection of materials such as trunks, aisle carts, polypropylene carts and carts for clean transportation.

With over 150.000 visitors and 2.700 companies, HostMilano 2021 brought together Horeca professionals from around the world.

Somengil presented the all-new MultiWasher HealthTech, a new machine designed from scratch for the specific needs of the hospital sector. After 5 days of presentations, conversations, leads and productive discussions with over 40 Somengil partners, new customers, curious competitors and innovative suppliers, we left Milan with a reinforced belief in the revolutionary potential of this technology. Schedule a webinar or talk to our team.


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