At Somengil, we select and recruit candidates in stages, according to the objectives of each position.
Somengil empowers each employee, giving them the best conditions to develop their talent and skills. We create a synergy between employees and the company so that joint sustainable growth creates lasting connections.
Creating an environment in which personal and working life coexist is essential for Somengil, and results in working conditions that are compatible with personal expectations. The aim is to contribute to a future of employment opportunities, ensuring a balance between the needs of the company and the ambitions of its employees.
© Copyright 2024. Somengil S.A.
Due to the technical complexity of Multiwasher's materials, there was a need to organise and place all the information in a single space in order to improve research and productivity.
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Sustentabilidade: o que é, como funciona, benefícios
Multiwasher e a sustentabilidade
Foco na sustentabilidade no fabrico de máquinas...
Inovações em produtos sustentáveis
Máquinas Inteligentes para ajudar a salvar o planeta
Mecanização e sustentabilidade devem andar juntas
Máquinas-ferramenta são consideradas...